User experience:
How a person, the user, feels about interacting with, or experiencing, a product.
A good, service or feature.
4 Points:
- Usable
- Equitable
- Enjoyable
- Useful
Usable: Something is easy to use, the design, structure and the purpose of the product are clear to everyone.
Example: iteration of ketchup bottle
Equitable: Think about everyone person who use the product, might include people with disabilities and many people with quite different life experience from your own.
- Some users might find the app with lots of text is easy to use.
- Some other user might want different interactive features like sound.
Make the product is marketable to people with diverse abilities and backgrounds.
Enjoyable: Make things is enjoyable to use, create positive connection between the user and the product.
Example: show the photos and reviews when you ordering a pizza
How to figure out what would let user feel happier? That’s where research comes in. We should collect the evidence in realtime or ask users about it.
Useful: The product could resolve the user’s problem.
When you are lost, the Map App could help you find the way.
But the Map App could not find your location, it’s not so useful anymore.
Why good UX is important to the business?
When people like a product, they use that product a lot, and they recommended it to their friends. And more people using the product means better business for the company.
Plus, when users have a good experience with the product, they’re more likely to have a positive opinion of the company that made it. A win-win for the user and the business.
TODO: Explain with data?
Reference about good design: