Product development life cycle:
The process used to take a product from an idea to reality.
5 Stages:
- Brainstorm
- Define
- Design
- Test
- Launch
An active discovery stage that’s all about generating ideas about the user and potential needs or challenges the user might have.
- Generate ideas to resolve problem.
- Understands the audience they are designing for.
- Identifies needs and challenges the audience may have.
Research plays a key role in this first stage, because we are exploring in different ways to get to know the audience.
The team might conduct interviews with potential users or conduct other researches.
Using the insights from the brainstorm stage and starting to narrow the focus.
The team determines concrete ways that the product will impact the user.
To be successful, we should think more about:
- Who the product is for
- What the product will do
- What features need to be included for the product
Implementing insights into new designs using various tools.
- Develop ideas actively
- Check all the specifications from the “Define” stage are realistic.
Evaluates the product design based on the feedback from potential users.
Focus on the user first and foremost and the designs second.
Make the product available to the public.
Go back to the “Design” or “Test” stage based on the user experience feedback.