- 使用 WebAssembly 扩展和自定义 Istio | Extending and Customising Istio with Wasm - Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava, Tetrate
- 如何在 Argo、Istio 和 SkyWalking 中实现 GitOps 和可观察性的完美结合 | How to Achieve the Perfect Union of GitOps and Observability with Argo, Istio, and SkyWalking - Jimmy Song, Tetrate
- 开发、构建并部署使用WebAssembly的轻量级人工智能服务 | Develop, Build & Deploy Lightweight AI Services with WebAssembly - Kinfey Lo, Microsoft; Vivian Hu, Second State; Jianbai Ye
- 平台现实具有令人惊讶的细节量 | Platform Reality Has a Surprising Amount of Detail - Puja Abbassi, Giant Swarm
- 构建支持无限时间序列的Prometheus高性能远程存储方案 | Build a High Performance Remote Storage for Prometheus with Unlimited Time Series - Yang Xiang, Yunshan Networks, Inc.
- 大型集群中由containerd插件驱动的节点级优化 | Node-Level Optimization in Large Cluster Powered by Containerd Plugin - Tianyi Tang, Alibaba Cloud
- ⚡闪电演讲: 调整Kubernetes集群大小以提高效率和节省成本的技巧和窍门 | Lightning Talk: Tips and Tricks to (Right) Size Your Kubernetes Cluster for Efficiency and Cost Saving - Daniele Polencic, Learnk8s
- gRPC在Web上的应用:经验教训和路线图 | gRPC on Web: Lessons and Roadmap - Wenbo Zhu, Google
- 从新手到贡献者:在Kubernetes和CNCF开源项目中留下自己的印记 | From Novice to Contributor: Making Your Mark in Kubernetes and CNCF Open Source Projects - Yuan Chen, Apple Inc.
- Kubernetes 命名空间揭秘:释放基础设施的全部潜力 | Kubernetes Namespaces Unleashed: Unlocking the Full Potential of Your Infrastructure - Victor Varza & Adrian Aneci, Adobe Inc