Rook Ceph Cheatsheet
Fetch Rook Ceph Dashboard Credentials
Username: admin
kubectl get secrets rook-ceph-dashboard-password -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
Create rook toolbox
kubectl create -f
Purge Rook Ceph Node
All the commands require root privileges.
Remove /var/lib/rook
rm -rf /var/lib/rook
Purge disk
# purge disk for sdX, sdY, sdZ
for i in sdX sdY sdZ; do
# Zap the disk to a fresh, usable state (zap-all is important, b/c MBR has to be clean)
sgdisk --zap-all $DISK
# Wipe a large portion of the beginning of the disk to remove more LVM metadata that may be present
dd if=/dev/zero of="$DISK" bs=1M count=100 oflag=direct,dsync
# SSDs may be better cleaned with blkdiscard instead of dd
blkdiscard $DISK
# Inform the OS of partition table changes
partprobe $DISK
Purge Device Mapper
# This command hangs on some systems: with caution, 'dmsetup remove_all --force' can be used
ls /dev/mapper/ceph-* | xargs -I% -- dmsetup remove %
# ceph-volume setup can leave ceph-<UUID> directories in /dev and /dev/mapper (unnecessary clutter)
rm -rf /dev/ceph-*
rm -rf /dev/mapper/ceph--*